Thursday, February 14, 2013

Organic Chemistry 8th Edition, Francis A. Carey

A Market Leading, Traditional Approach to Organic Chemistry

Throughout all eight editions, Organic Chemistry has been designed to meet the needs of the "mainstream," two-semester, undergraduate organic chemistry course. This best-selling text gives students a solid understanding of organic chemistry by stressing how fundamental reaction mechanisms function and reactions occur.

An annoying feature of the book is the way they make you buy the answer book to compliment the book itself. I can understand space is an issue, but that answer book is highly priced itself. Other than that pet peeve this book is fantastic. Nearing the end of my second semester of organic chemistry this book has done its part. Read the book, and you'll do fine. You cannot go wrong by simply reading this book alone and ignoring the teacher since this book covers much more than the teacher can or will ever go over. It's not like you will have much of a choice in the book you want anyways, since most teachers don't give you that freedom, but don't be intimidated by this book since it does its job well.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1247 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 8th edition (January 8, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 007735477X
ISBN-13: 978-0077354770
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 1.9 x 11.1 inches

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