Saturday, February 16, 2013

General Chemistry: Atoms First 1st Edition, John E. McMurry

General Chemistry: Atoms First , First Edition starts from the building blocks of chemistry, the atom, allowing the authors to tell a cohesive story that progresses logically through molecules and compounds to help students intuitively follow complex concepts more logically. This unified thread of ideas helps students build a better foundation and ultimately gain a deeper understanding of chemical concepts. Students can more easily understand the microscopic-to-macroscopic connections between unobservable atoms and the observable behavior of matter in daily life, and are brought immediately into real chemistry–instead of being forced to memorize facts.

Reflecting a true atoms first perspective, the First Edition features experienced atoms-first authors, incorporates recommendations from a panel of atoms-first experts, and follows historical beliefs in teaching chemistry concepts based and real experimental data first. This approach distinguishes this text in the market based whereby other authors teach theory first, followed by experimental data.

The book uses a different approach than many by starting with the concepts of atoms and building up. It doesn't seem as helpful with the hard math components with chemistry mainly because it focuses on making sure the student understands the CONCEPTS of chemistry. I find that if you conceptually understand the material, the math will come naturally because you understand why the math works. I think it's a fine textbook for what it sets out to do: teach first-year college chemistry.

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