Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Organic Chemistry 6th Edition, Paula Y. Bruice

In this innovative text, Bruice balances coverage of traditional topics with bioorganic chemistry to show how organic chemistry is related to biological systems and to our daily lives. Functional groups are organized around mechanistic similarities, emphasizing what functional groups do rather than how they are made. Tying together the reactivity of a functional group and the synthesis of compounds resulting from its reactivity prevents students from needing to memorize lists of unrelated reactions. The Sixth Edition has been revised and streamlined throughout to enhance clarity and accessibility, and adds a wealth of new problems and problem-solving strategies.

New edition of an organic chemistry text that encourages students to think about what they have already learned and then apply this knowledge in a new setting. Bruice (U. of California) has organized the material in a way that discourages rote memorization. Functional groups are organized around mechanistic similarities such as electrophilic and nucleophilic additions; radical, nucleophilic, electrophilic aromatic, and nucleophilic acyl substitutions; and eliminations. The 30 chapters discuss introductory material; hydrocarbons, stereochemistry, and resonance; substitution and elimination reactions; identification of organic compounds; aromatic, carbonyl, and bioorganic compounds; and special topics. Includes some short biographies of scientists, together with a b&w photograph, and color illustrations and diagrams.

Among several Organic Chemistry textbooks I have sampled, this text offers the most clear explanations of mechanism. The authors development of logic greatly facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the material and eliminates much of the typical senseless memorization that often accompanies this material.

Product Details :
Hardcover: 1440 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6 edition (January 13, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321663136
ISBN-13: 978-0321663139
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.9 x 10.9 inches

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